SUNY Oswego Students Inspired by 9/11 to Serve Country

17 years later, SUNY Oswego students Jasmine Fisher and Geoff Christensen are paying tribute to those lost on 9/11. Both are sophomores at Oswego and enrolled in the ROTC program. While both of them were young when the tragedy of 9/11 occurred, they were still affected by it and inspired to purse a career in the military.

Jasmine remembers how affected her mother and others in her family were when it first happened, and that gives her the strength to serve her country. Geoff said that it was the history classes in high school that discussed the tragedy that inspired him to serve. Both of them are excited to graduate college and the ROTC program to go out and protect their country from further tragedies like 9/11.

It's absolutely amazing that young adults that were just two years old when 9/11 occurred are inspired to serve their country by it.

Photo: Getty Images

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