Photo: Getty Images
The City of Syracuse is set to begin its annual Christmas tree collection starting Monday (January 4). The Department of Public Works (DPW) will collect natural Christmas trees curbside throughout January using a quadrant pickup schedule. Residents in the northeast quadrant should place their trees out on January 4-5, southeast on January 11-12, southwest on January 18-19, and northwest on January 25-26.
Before placing trees curbside, residents must remove all decorations, lights, tinsel, stands, plastic, and metal from the trees. Natural wreaths, garlands, or swags with metal will not be accepted. Artificial trees should be bagged and placed inside a city-provided trash cart for regular pickup or scheduled as a bulk pickup by calling Cityline at 315-448-2489.
For those who prefer to drop off their trees, the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) offers free tree drop-off at the Jamesville and Amboy Compost Sites from January 6 to January 17, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. More details are available on the City of Syracuse website.