Michael J.

Michael J.

Michael J is keeping you in touch everywhere you find Country music: on the air, on-line and with the iHeartRadio app! If it's happening in...Full Bio


4th grader takes on School Board over 'Disgusting Lunches'

10 year old 4th grader Matthew Reedholm attends Warren Elementary in Baltimore County, Maryland. Matthew addressed the board saying, "At first glance the food doesn't look very good to eat. There's mold and sometimes unhealthy ingredients. Does this look like a lunch to you ?" Matthew came prepared with visual aids, photos of numerous meals served at his school.

Matthew continues. "Since when is a meat stick an acceptable option for lunch. It has lots of salt and preservatives."

Matthew made some recommendations of healthy options and captivated everyone at the meeting.

Already response from listeners is coming in like this.

This is not a supply shortage....this has been going on for many, many years (at least 15 years !! ) I worked for a elementary school and there were numerous times I refused to serve the children rotten food...and I was not very much liked because of it...my attitude was if I wouldn't eat it, I certainly wouldn't serve it !! If more parents had the opportunity to see what the kids were being fed, I am sure this program would be re-evaluated...I oftened wandered why my boys never wanted to buy lunch, that thought was understood when I saw first hand what was offered !! Come on BCPS, you can and must do better !!

This truly doesn't look like anything most adults would want to eat. I agree - Go Matthew. Michael J

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